Sportaction is the initiative that brings closer all the colors of sport, all the spirits of people; it promotes equality and positive change; it emphasises sports as tool for societal improvements and motivates education through fun and games.
Empowered champions – support for youth with fewer opportunities in football
The critical role of sport in fostering creative and innovative solutions to current societal challenges in Europe, and in driving positive social change is widely...
TeensActivity – Teenage girls & sport activities
As girls enter adolescence, they tend to stop engaging in as much physical activity as they had been in late childhood, early as...
Women against discrimination – WOMAD
Women against discrimination - WOMAD The project is giving the opportunity to engage people that otherwise would not be normally involved in a European context. The...
Women sportswear through history
As the gradual emancipation of women took place in the last 2 centuries, the number of women involved in sports, but also the sports clothes they wear, somehow changed....
Crossminton – The ideal sport for recreation always and everywhere
Crossminton is a recket game founded in Berlin in 2001. It is previously known as speed badminton. The reason for the name change was to separate this sport further...
Monika Seleš – Little Mo “Miracle Child”
Monika Seleš is a former Yugoslav and later American tennis player. She was born in Novi Sad in 1973. Her early tennis development was supported by her father Karolj,...